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RoomMate, Housemates and FlatMate Articles

How To Avoid Problems With the Roommates Flatmates Housemates and Sharemates in your life!

Moving out into a new place can be an exciting time, but what happens that gets on your nerves or what if you realise that you are impossible...

5 basic tips for first time RoomMates Housemates Flatmates and sharing accommodation

Sharing a place for the first time may be a difficult adjustment for some people. With so many new experiences often happening at once...

Living with Multiple Roommates Flatmates Housemates

Your living space should be your haven, but sometimes a bad roommate situation can turn your space into a living nightmare. Multiple people...

How to pick the right RoomMates, Flatmates and Housemates

How To Pick The Right Roommates, Flatmates and HousematesEnvision the following situation. You have actually simply gotten back to discover...

Include These in Your Roommate Agreements

Even if you live with your best friend, conflicts are sure to come up from time to timeA roommate agreement can help outline responsibilities...

How to Break the Ice & Get to Know Your New Roommates Flatmates Housemates and Sharemates

Living with roommates will be an important part of your life where at a college, university or if you have jobs and work.A healthy and good...

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