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RoomMate, Housemates and FlatMate Articles

Include These in Your Roommate Agreements

Even if you live with your best friend, conflicts are sure to come up from time to timeA roommate agreement can help outline responsibilities...

Tips For Healthy Cooking With Your Roommates Flatmates Housemates and Sharemates

When you're in college or working hard in a job sometimes your health is often the last thing on your mind, especially when it comes to...

Saving money by budgeting and splitting expenses with your RoomMates

Living with a roommate has its pros and cons, but one of the biggest advantages is the ability to reduce costs in some places.  From the...

How To Be A Better Roommate Flatmate Housemate or Sharemate

When you’re living in a single room, sharing a room, or sharing a bigger property you will be sharing common spaces with other people....

How To Work At Home While Having To Share With Other Roommates Flatmates Housemates and Sharemates

As COVID-19 restrictions continue, it is vital that you find a productive way to work from home. Many people have lost their jobs while the...

7 ways to leave Your Roommates Flatmates Housemates And Sharemates

Whether you live with one roommate or 10, saying goodbye sometimes will be heartbreaking and sad.Regardless of where you are moving to there...

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